Wednesday 16 Sep 2020

September 16: Nehemiah 1:4
Key Verse: Nehemiah 1:4
When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.
I have enjoyed going through Nehemiah each day for a season; so, in summary, let’s look back and see some of the key things we have learned. The key thing I have got from this all is to spend time with God in prayer. Pray when things are unknown. Pray when things are good. Pray when things are bad. Pray when it’s all just ‘normal!’ God wants to hear from us all the time and He wants to talk to us all the time too.
Sit and wait for an answer from God! Far too often we shoot up a prayer and then run off into our lives and expect things to happen all by themselves. Whilst we should always expect God to do things we pray for; we also need to stop and wait for an answer. Sometimes He will want us to do something so the prayer can eb answered. If you think you are no good at waiting for an answer, then try reading through a chapter or two from your bible. Sometimes God just needs us to break away from the world before we can hear Him.
When God asks you to do something, do it! We need to act on what God says otherwise we start failing in our faith as we think God is not doing anything... He doesn’t have to do everything! We must do things too!
Always try to seek out Godly people who are also willing to pray, wait and then act. Together we can work better as a team than by ourselves. Together we can encourage each other. Together we can protect each other. Together we can notice when one of us slips up; we can help each other up so we move forward with God.
Never forget God is your team captain!
Points to Ponder:
Do you spend time each day to pray, wait and act?
Will you wait just a little longer today to hear from God?