Tuesday 5 May 2020

May 5: Acts 3:1-10

Key Verse: Acts 3:6
Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”

What have you got out of looking at the introduction to the apostolic letters in the bible? I thought about this for a short while and very quickly realised the introductions were centred around making sure people knew God through Jesus. What better passage to choose today than one where the a couple of the disciples are walking up to the temple and come upon the lame beggar who has been put out every day on the way to the temple so he can beg for support from people going to the temple and they do something extraordinary in Jesus’ name!

This makes me think of the beggars who stand at the junctions of major routes around London like the A406 North Circular Road where they clearly spend all of their day placed at the junctions where the traffic builds up and is often at a stand-still. But the difference here is the target audience, for want of a better term. The beggars friends would put him in clear sight of people who have been taught to care for others whereas modern day beggars are typically placed in paths of the wealthy or so called middle class people…

So what was all the fuss? This beggar had been lame from birth – he was born with a condition which prevented him from being able to work so he had no option but to beg for support from people. Can you imagine what went through his head when Peter said these words? What would go through your mind if you were in a similar circumstance? We don’t often think about what people are going through which places them in a position where they are forced to rely on others for their well-being!

This week in North London we see the opening of another Foodbank which is going to help hundreds of people out in these times where so many are fully reliant on others for their well-being! I know what it is like to have nothing and to have to ask others for help. I know what it is like to be very hungry with no food in the cupboards. I ask God to look after me all the time because I know how close I am to having to rely on others; but I fully trust He is able to do things whereby I can continue to work for Him and to help spread the fantastic news of Jesus being our Saviour.

Points to Ponder:
Is there someone you know who desperately needs help?

If you cannot help physically will you stand up and pray for them now?