Friday 24 Apr 2020

April 24: 2 Timothy 1:1-2

Key Verse: 2 Timothy 1:1
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, in keeping with the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus

This second letter to Timothy could well have been written when Paul was feeling a bit down because he could not get out to see everyone, much like we are all feeling constrained and hemmed in right now. Paul reaches out to Timothy and in the verses following these, he says how much he is missing them all. But, despite this, he is sure in the knowledge God is with them as well as the Spirit being in Timothy just as he used to see it in his mother and his grandmother before that.

It really is a joy to see God working in someone else’s life and I thank God He continues to do this in so many people I have got to know over the years. The more they are willing to allow God into their lives, the more they change in a very special way and the more they are able to do for their friends and relatives! This is in keeping with the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus – just as Paul says in this letters beginning.

I really do love sitting down first thing in the morning and listening to God to see where He leads me in my ramblings which I give to you all. It surprises me when I look back over the last two decades and see how much I have grown in God, but also how insightful some of the words have been. I know I have lost a few memories along the way last year in hospital, but they seem to be limited to the year before I went into hospital, so looking back at these devotions and re-reading some of them still gives me pleasure.

One of the things I did over 7 years ago was to write an Android app which would bring the devotions to your phone/tablet each day. Over the years it has become difficult to keep the app going because of its roots in a very early version of Android back then. So, today, I can say I have finally released an updated version which is called “Bread with Faith” which will deliver my ramblings direct to you! God is good!

Points to Ponder:
How do you keep in touch with your Christian friends?

Do you allow God to have His own way and guide you daily?