Monday 9 Mar 2020

March 8: Psalms 45:6-7

Key Verse: Psalms 45:7
You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.

When Jesus came to earth to be our King of Kings, He did not come to be a temporary king who would be forgotten once his life was over. Jesus came to be King over us all forever and accomplished this through what He did for us on that cross in the name of God, His Father in Heaven. There is no end to Heaven and there is no time limit on it; this comes down to Jesus being our King without end and without limit.

What is meant by the sceptre of the kingdom could be debated – but lets imagine a king or queen on a throne. They have some sort of sceptre which is a symbol of the power they have and is therefore of great importance. What could be of more importance to us than the Gospel, or have more power than the gospel? Jesus wanted to make sure people knew just how important the gospel is and how powerful it can be when it is used to introduce others to the kingdom of God.

We know God loves righteousness and hates wickedness of any kind; the love for us goes beyond our understanding of righteousness and wickedness because of the mercy He shows to us and the grace we are given to be able to live in this world. He has anointed each of us with this love so we can share that love with those around us. But imagine the amount of love God the Father shared with Jesus so He could accept the way we are and help us toward a loving and lasting relationship with Him.

God set Jesus above everyone and everything to show us what can be achieved when we place our faith firmly and totally in His hands. We still struggle with this and we struggle to keep our heads when everything seems to be in chaos; we see so many things we cannot cope with or cannot hope for. In doing so we sink into a pit of despair and that traps us into worrying more about the things we have no control over. What we should be doing is lifting up our situations to God before we fall into that pit so He can show us how to avoid it in the beginning.

Points to Ponder:
How much do you actually trust God?

Are you willing to entrust more to God today?