Thursday 9 Nov 2023

November 9: Luke 15:3-7

Key Verse: Luke 15:7
I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who do not need to repent.

This is one parable we probably cannot relate to because we are probably not shepherds and we probably don’t know any shepherds… at least that is what it is like for most people who don’t live on or near farms. So what would a modern day parable be like for the same message Jesus is trying to get over here?

How about if you were looking after dogs or cats in a kennel of some sort and maybe one of the animals which was put in your charge managed to dig their way out of their kennel and ran off to play instead! Imagine how worried you would be for that animal. Would you not make sure all the others were safe and run off to try and find the escaped animal; and then the feeling of relief and happiness when you found the escapee!

Now think of this in a way God may be thinking of us all… He is trying to look after us. If one of us were to run off and get mixed up with evil people He would be worried for us. He may even send someone out to look for us or even come Himself to look for us!

This is why Jesus describes the happiness God has when just one person repents and asks for help! Unlike in a kennel, God has given us free choice as to what we do with our lives. If we go off and get mixed up with evil, He is going to be very worried for us! This is why He allowed Jesus to come and minister directly to mankind!

Points to Ponder:
Do you always do what is right?

What do you do when you realise you have done something wrong?