Thursday 31 Aug 2023

August 31: Matthew 24:42-51

Key Verse: Matthew 24:45
Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time?

One of the things we never expect is the unexpected – why else would it be called the unexpected! But seriously, there are things in life we just don’t think about and when they do happen to us we are caught unawares. How we handle those times will often be seen by others as the times which shaped our lives… and I don’t think God looks at us any differently, because He will see those times and He will know why we made the choices we did.

How many of those times do you call on someone to help out? How many of those times do you call on God for guidance and help? Too often when we are faced with worldly things and dangers we call upon worldly people to help us out when we could be calling on someone who is way above that position!

God may not physically be here like Jesus was here, but it does not stop Him from getting involved in our lives. If He cannot do something physically He will probably get the right person to approach us at the right time. Who we allow to help us out is also going to be a choice we have to make which defines us too. If we call out to people who do not have a vested interest in us, we may well find ourselves being let down by them when we do not dance to their tune!

God has created each of us different and He wants each of us to dance to our own tune so we can be an encouragement to others in one way or another. If we all follow the crowd we will get lost in the crowd; but when we stand up for justice and love, we get to shape a lot of what others see in their lives. God wants to use us in ways we cannot imagine He is looking for the right people at the right time!

Points to Ponder:
Who do you call for help?

How often do you call for God’s help?