Sunday 6 Aug 2023

August 6: Luke 9:28-36

Key Verse: Luke 9:35
A voice came from the cloud, saying, ‘This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.’

When we look through our bibles we find differing descriptions of God and of Christ and you may ask yourself how they can be different or not consistent. I would put it to you that each of us will describe something differently because of the way we handle thoughts and sights and so it was to all who were able to see something of Christ or God; their descriptions are what they felt and saw whilst trying to make sense of something they had never dreamed they would see!

This description from Luke gives an added insight about the apostles who accompanied Jesus whilst He went to pray. They must have been tired because the writer describes them as being very sleepy, probably dozing off during the prayer time. But when they saw other people there they struggled to become fully awake with Peter asking Jesus whether they should be building shelters for the others. Peter knew they were important in some manner and even called them by name assuming them to be who he called them!

I can imagine them being shocked awake when a cloud appeared and covered them with a voice telling them “this is my Son, whom I have chosen!” Obviously not in English, but the words are similarly described by others. This was God Himself telling these people present Jesus was His Son. What other words could have meant more to the disciples!

When we bring all the stories of encounters with God together, we see a common thread where God tells people He sent His Son to come to us. These words come from ancient scriptures and more recent scripture from the disciples; I say recent being a couple of thousand years instead of thousands of years before then as the people of Israel trekked through the desert.

Points to Ponder:
How many times do you have to hear a story before you trust it?

Will you trust the scriptures and trust in Christ?