Wednesday 25 May 2022

May 25: John 16:12-15

Key Verse: John 16:14
He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.

When Jesus was here on earth as a human being, He wanted to tell the disciples everything! But that was a physical impossibility, so He made sure we have ready and permanent access to what He needs to tell us through the Holy Spirit… all we need do is listen!

One of our big issues in life is our inability to listen to God all the time. We know we ought to, we think we can, but we fall short when we try. Jesus knew this would be so and that is why we have been given access to Him through the Holy Spirit at all times. This means that when we do fail, we can stop and think about what we have done and come back to Him where He will be waiting with open arms to tell us more of the truths we need to know.

The Holy Spirit does not hold anything back – it is normally our minds and hearts which cannot absorb everything because we assume we cannot do so much because we see the world through physical eyes instead of through spiritual eyes. If we were able to stop seeing it all with our physical eyes, our hearts would be open to a whole lot more!

God sent His Son to us so we would be given something physical to believe in. Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit so we would not be limited to the physical. God wants us to know more about Him and more about what our lives are going to be like – or can be like. If we listen to Him through the Spirit, we will be able to learn more about how we can live a better and fuller life with Him.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you bless the Lord?

Do you know He wants to bless you always?