Friday 13 May 2022

May 13: Psalm 2:1-3

Key Verse: Psalm 2:3
‘Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.’

After watching various clips of the war in Ukraine and how the leaders seem to have lost the plot with reality, I found these verses quite shocking to read! Why are the nations conspiring against each other in ways we find shocking or dis-concerting? And for those moments when we think what they are doing is justified, people from other countries may well find shocking...

What does this all get us? Nothing but head aches and unhappiness. None of this is doing any of us any good and certainly not the people who live or used to live where the war is taking place! This seems to be rising again as an East vs West fight where in fact it is evil against people filled with pride. Putin has not made any friends in the rest of the world while he is demanding so much from his armies with many asking questions about the validity of the war.

The Western leaders seem to band together, or at least they give the illusion they are; but we also see leaders in each country trying to make political statements instead of looking after their people. We see leaders making decisions which go against what God has asked of us. He wants us to love our neighbours, and yet we are fighting a difficult war against our neighbours.

Putin is shouting out about breaking the chains of the Ukrainian people and freeing them from tyranny… by imposing tyrannical ways upon his own people against a people who don’t want to accept those ways. Yes there is a lot of history around this war, but there are ways leaders should negotiate instead of mowing down innocent people. #PrayforUkraine.

Points to Ponder:
Do you associate your life with the war in any way?

Will you pray for leaders to hear God?