Tuesday 21 Sep 2021

September 21: Proverbs 3:1-6
Key Verse: Proverbs 3:3
Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them round your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.
How many times have you come up with a plan only to see it fail because you did not account for some 'unseen' circumstance? As a computer programmer, I try to make sure my code is going to stand up to all sorts of things which can go wrong, but there always seems to be something I have not thought of which someone else tries and it breaks the program!
Life is a bit like that too – we try to cover all our bases to make sure our lives are as good as we can hope for, but there is always something which we have not accounted for which sees us fail just when we think we should work things out.
God did not just have to guess what could happen for a few years (like our lives) but had to account for everything man was going to do for thousands of years. He had to make sure there was a way mankind could be saved no matter how many things we try and no matter how many things we get wrong!
He gave us His word it would all work out and has seen that through with the promise we will be saved. He even made sure this was all written down thousands of years before we were born! He made sure we would have a way out of the corner we backed ourselves into. All He asked of us was to trust in Him, believing what He did was for our sake and believing He would come again to take us to be with Him.
Points to Ponder:
How often do you fail at things?
Will you look to God and trust in what He has done for you?