Thursday 1 Jul 2021

July 1: Colossians 4:2-6
Key Verse: Colossians 4:2
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
In the previous chapter the author is trying to get across to people how they should behave no matter what position they have in life – some of the words we may find objectionable nowadays, but these were for the people at that time, but still apply to us. But no matter what position people hold in society or rank or wealth, they should all be subject to these words – to pray always, to be watchful and to be thankful.
We may be in a very difficult relationship, in a dead-end job, without work, sick in hospital... but we should always find time to pray, watch and thank! God wants us to watch out for others, to be thankful for having others in our lives, and to pray for others too.
We should be open to pray for others and also be open to request prayers from others. Christ always lifted others up in prayer throughout His ministry here. He lived a life of prayer and thanksgiving, always watching out for the people around Him. If we do not feel up to going out and teaching others about God, then we can stay home and pray for them instead. If we feel threatened by others, we can still pray for them without confronting them at all.
It is also good to be a bit different from the world. If we are no different from the world around us, then we are not going to be noticed and people will not take any notice of the things we say or do – because we are just like everyone else! God wants us to be full of grace and mercy, just as Jesus was on earth. He wants us to be noticed for the good things we do – not to get praise from others, but because we want them to be able to see God through us and through what we do!
Points to Ponder:
Is your life a bit different from the people around you?
Will you stand out from the crowd and allow people to see a bit of Jesus through you?