
Too Busy?

Too Busy?

Do you think your life is a bit too busy to care about things like God or religion? Do you think it is a waste of time reading old books like the bible?

I challenge you to set aside just five minutes each day and read through one of these devotionals. We probably spend more time than this pressing the snooze button on our phones or alarm clocks than we do reading up about God!

These devotionals are not designed to give you a half hour study in the bible or to challenge scholars as to how they should look at the bible; I simply want people to spend a tiny fraction of their day in a way which would please God. Stop and ready the three or four sentences which are written each day. Nothing too challenging and certainly not enough to read for five minutes worth... just spend the rest of the five minutes thinking about what you have read.

May our Awesome God bless you and keep you today and always!