January 1: Jeremiah 23:23-24
Key Verse: Jeremiah 23:23
“Am I only a God nearby,” declares the LORD, “and not a God far away?”
Are there times when you think you are totally alone, that there is nobody around and you cannot call out for help? Are there times where you just want to be alone, to not have anyone near you? Are there times when you have needed a friend but have not been near one?
One of the most comforting thoughts is God is everywhere! It is hard to imagine such a thing, but many times in the Bible we are reminded about how God is everywhere, and how there is no place in heaven or hell we can escape from Him. This may sound daunting, but when you need someone, He’s always here!
I know there have been times in my life when I have been exceedingly glad God has been by my side; much of last year when I was in hospital was a case in point. There have been times where I have been terrified and turned to God for protection and had an awesome feeling of being protected instantly. The way we see it is if God had not been by our sides, listening, then He would not have heard us!
I know there have been times in my life when I have needed assistance, have turned to God and asked, and have received it immediately. If God had not been by my side, He would not have been able to help me instantly!
I know I have a friend walking by my side constantly. I know I have a protector walking by my side constantly. I know I have a guide walking beside me constantly. I know I have a Saviour who is by my side at all times!
You don't have to shout to make sure God will hear you. You don't have to send out radio signals to make sure you reach God. You don't have to rush down to the local church to make sure you are close to God. He is here…
Points to Ponder:
When was the last time you felt all alone?
God wants to be by your side all the time, don't run away!
Wednesday 1 Jan 2020
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