January 2: Ephesians 4:17-24
Key Verse: Ephesians 4:24
and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
As we get further into the new year (yes, I know it's only the second day) we all start to think of new things and new ideas in one way or another. Maybe some of you have made new year’s resolutions or have decided to turn over a new leaf. Whatever you have or have not done, we need to give thought to our new life in Christ; our new life as a Christian. Are we living it according to His will? Are we living it according to His wishes? Or are we simply going to stumble on in the dark like we have been doing for the last year?
It is such a wonderful thing to know Christ is your Saviour, and to know Christ is with you all the time. But those are just a few things some of us forget in our daily lives. Maybe you have had a narrow escape recently which has made you think again. Or maybe you have not thought about the ramifications of what happened. I know I have a lot of thinking and meditating to do over what has happened to me last year!
Maybe you have been in a near accident recently, but when you came out of it without damage or incident, you thought nothing more of it? Have you stopped to think about what could have happened if the accident had turned out differently? Think about the worst case scenario... think about what could have happened... then think about how God was actually looking after you at the time and let everything happen in a controlled manner.
I am not saying bad things happen to people who deserve it in any way, because I am a firm believer of giving everyone a second chance. I also believe we need to be introduced to Christ to understand how Christ gives us all a second chance. Nobody should have to endure anything to make them think about God... but because of our closed off minds, because of the way we don't think when things are all OK, because of our self-centredness, we do sometimes need a gentle reminder...
Points to Ponder:
Have you had a gentle reminder recently?
Have you thought about how The Lord is constantly looking after you?
Thursday 2 Jan 2020
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