July 18: Exodus 2:11-14
Key Verse: Exodus 2:14
The man said, “Who made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?” Then Moses was afraid and thought, “What I did must have become known.”
How many times have you ‘conveniently forgotten’ something you have done wrong? You knew it was wrong when you were doing it, but thought nobody would find out and it would be ok… God is watching us every step of the day and I’m sure does not like what He has to watch much of the day from people all around the world!
I would like us to think about the standards we have in our lives and how we apply them. Consider this… you see a friend of yours do something wrong. Do you report them for doing this? Do you point out their misgiving and ask them not to do it again? Do you forgive them and ignore what they have done? Or do you pretend you never saw anything in the first place?
We would probably answer this differently depending on who is doing wrong. We may well report someone who we don’t like or don’t even know because they have no relationship with us, but when it comes down to best friends, the answer goes the other way… Our overall standards differ according to where we are in life and who we are with. Moses was no different at this time. He did not think much of killing the Egyptian for doing wrong, but only warned his fellow Hebrews!
When Jesus came to tell us the most important commandment was to love one another, it was to make sure we change our ways and stop putting some people before others just because they are the same race or colour as us! God loves every one of us a His children and expects us to do our best to follow on in this same light. The historical records of the Western world have tended to be very biased toward those who are considered to be loyal or from the same part of the world as us. God wants this to change to be more in line with how Jesus showed love toward all mankind!
Points to Ponder:
Have you been given false history lessons because your government deemed is so?
Are you willing to follow Christ’s example and love all human beings?
Saturday 18 Jul 2020
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