July 17: Exodus 2:1-10
Key Verse: Exodus 2:8
“Yes, go,” she answered. So the girl went and got the baby’s mother.
One of the amazing things about God is He can enable things to be done which we think are impossible. I love the way God made sure Moses was nursed by his own mother because God knew that was the best thing. If it were you or I trying to circumvent the laws we would probably be found out immediately and everything would end up in a bit pile on the floor – not so when God was involved!
God knew the best place for Moses to be nursed and made it so. He also knew the best place for Moses to grow up and learn the ways of the world, and that was with the Pharaoh’s daughter where he would be able to learn how to take care of a whole country; something which was going to be required of him a few years down the line!
God continues to know what is best for us and if we are willing to trust Him with decisions which we feel are too much for us or we are out of our depth handling them, then we can expect a good outcome… better than if we had planned things! The problem is we don’t always listen to God in every part of our lives – we like to keep some things private, or at least we think we are keeping them private!
God knows exactly what we get up to and He does try to continually guide us through the ‘storm of life.’ We find ourselves out of our depth in many things in life, but even in those cases, God continue to be able to cater for everything. God is going to use the people around us to enable us to do more as well, not just the priests and prophets, but everyone around us. The sooner we begin to realise God has ultimate power over everything, the sooner we can move forward and trust Him with our whole lives and not just the parts we think He should have. God wants to care for us in our entirety!
Points to Ponder:
How much do you try to keep from God?
Will you allow Him to do more in your life today?
Friday 17 Jul 2020
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