June 6: John 7:21-24
Key Verse: John 7:24
Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.
Don’t you just love and hate the press for all they do!?!? It is good to be able to hear about what is going on, but it is also disastrous when lies are spread instead of the truth! Each one of us has a responsibility to give out the truth – but it is so easy to latch onto something you hear and spread that instead.
There is nothing new about this because it has been going on for years where people talk of the things they want to be true instead of what is actually true. Unfortunately we have people now who’s job it is to spread the news and when they spread things which are not true, the whole society has to suffer. Jesus came to try and open people’s eyes to the depths they had sunk to in the spreading of things which did not line up with God’s wishes.
We like to think we are allowed to say things because that is what the law says, but if they do not line up with God’s law, then are we actually upholding any laws or are we introducing lies into our society – those lies which make the whole community suffer? God had said the Jews should be circumcised, not as something which was required for them to enter Heaven but as a mark of their complete obedience to God. When they turned round and tried to blame Jesus for doing something physical on the Sabbath when they would circumcise their children on the Sabbath, Jesus pulled them up on their actions.
As Children of God, we need to stop the spread of white lies, occasional truths and half-baked ‘christians!’ We need to show others we are committed to doing what God has asked of us and to do it according to His wishes and not according to our wants! We need to stop blaming people just because it looks wrong and find out the truth behind what is happening before we open our mouths. Unfortunately our world has grown up into being a blame place instead of a God Glorifying place.
Points to Ponder:
How often do you blame people just because you don’t agree with things?
How often do you pull yourself up for bending the rules?
Saturday 6 Jun 2020
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