June 5: John 4:21-26
Key Verse: John 4:24
God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.
Can you imagine the sort of conversations Jesus had whilst He was here on earth, something like this one with a woman who knew the law but did not quite get how the Messiah would come to the people. She was a Samaritan and had her own way of worshipping what she thought was God, but she could not quite connect with God in the way we love and know. Why? Probably because nobody had explained it to her, but she knew the Messiah would be able to explain everything!
Can you imagine what went through her mind when she realised she was talking to the Messiah! Here she was seeking God and not knowing where to look, but she did know someone would be able to explain it to her. That is our task as Children of God. We need to be able to explain God to people in such a way as to invite them in to seek God more in their own lives.
Our task is not to try and convert people but to invite them into a meeting with God where He can change their hearts and allow them to enter into their own relationship with Him. Forcing someone to do something is one way of making them rebel against the very thing you are trying to convince them of. Some will give in a go with the flow, but many will have questions in their heart for which they need answers.
We need to open the Word of God to these people and allow them to see the truth for themselves so God can work in their lives. This is how we worship our God; not just be singing our hearts out to Him, but by doing what He asks of us to bring them in. When we want to worship God fully, we need to be willing to listen to Him and do His bidding in our lives.
Points to Ponder:
Do you find it hard to share the Gospel?
Have you tried just showing people how much you love God?
Friday 5 Jun 2020
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