May 31: 1 Corinthians 12:7-11
Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 12:7
Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.
This is the day we celebrate the culmination of Jesus’ love for us when we see the promise He gave of someone to be with us forever come true! This is the day we celebrate the Holy Spirit filling the disciples and we see the differences of how the spirit worked in each of their lives. The Holy Spirit will fill us with different strengths so we can all work for the common good, so we can fulfil God’s hope for a loving Christian society.
To see how the Spirit worked in each of the disciples lives, we have to try and read between the lines; even though we see how each of them worked for God’s glory and continued to share the gospel wherever they were, we don’t tend to get a running commentary about what the Spirit was doing in each of their lives, they just got on with doing what God was asking of them!
As long as we remember the words that the Spirit is given for the common good, then we can listen to all He is teaching us and work to give God the glory He deserves. We don’t have to have it in writing or have a contract in place before we do anything – God gives us the power and strength to do things by His guidance through the Holy Spirit. As long as we are willing to listen to God, we are on the road to living in His will.
Each of us are going to receive different words, different instructions, different strengths and different tasks to achieve in our lifetimes. Don’t panic about not being able to do enough for God because He is working in your life to prepare you for the task He has for you to do. This may be ask simple as telling your next door neighbour about Jesus or it may be as complicated as taking the gospel into a country where worshipping God is banned! Just listen and trust God knows best!
Points to Ponder:
How often do you stop and listen to God?
How often do you act on what God tells you?
Sunday 31 May 2020
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