June 1: Numbers 11:24-30
Key Verse: Numbers 11:29
But Moses replied, “Are you jealous for my sake? I wish that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put his Spirit on them!”
How do you feel when other people prophesy over you? I must admit that I am sometimes a bit scared of what people are going to say about me… I was born in Zimbabwe and grew up in a wonderful hot climate where we spent most of our time outdoors; I still long for the time when I can spend longer periods outdoors and in the bush. When I came to England I spent a while travelling around and finally settled in Suffolk where I enjoyed being close to nature again and far from cities. So when someone told me I should be thinking about going to London to work for God, I was a bit stumped! Why!!!
But the longer I am here the more I realise why God has put me here in them middle of an estate in London – because this is where He wants me to be, this is where the need is. As we live through this lock-down and start to come out the other side of it I know so many people here on the estate are fearful of what is ahead for us and fearful of what will happen because so many people live in close proximity to each other. But I also know we were brought here to share the hope we have and allow people to see the greatness of our God!
It is wonderful to see so many people engaging with God on this estate; I must add I am a late addition to the team here because our vicar has been here for over a decade already. I love seeing the local people rise up out of their entrapped lifestyles and blossom as they receive gifts from the Holy Spirit, all unique and all so desperately needed here. God knows exactly what he is doing but we don’t always see it!
We really do need to encourage people to live with the Holy Spirit and accept Him as part of their lives. Through this we will see God’s kingdom grow and more people start their wonderful and eternal relationships with Christ!
Points to Ponder:
Do you get jealous when others hear from God?
How often do you stop and listen?
Monday 1 Jun 2020
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