Sunday 10 May 2020

May 10: Acts 7:54-60

Key Verse: Acts 7:56
“Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.”

I had to sit and read this through a few times before bringing it to you today; I just cannot imagine what it would be like to have been in Stephens place! We don’t like to think too much about the persecutions which many Christians face around the world – I think the most I have had to face is the name calling and on a couple of times people being ‘in your face’ shouting at you with various fluids coming from their mouths as they shouted! Not something we would like to face during this pandemic!

But Stephen here did not relent in his support for Christ and in his telling of the truth about Christ. God looked down on him and reached out with a hand of support which we don’t often get to see in our lives. God opened up Stephen’s sight and allowed him to see Christ together with God – the place of peace and rest where he would shortly be! I think the joy of such a sight would overcome me!

What did the people around him do? They covered up their ears just in case they heard the truth and were convinced by it, and they laid their hands on him, dragging him out of the city so they could stone him! Now as children we used to go off into the bush and get lumps of soft clay which we would put on the end of sticks and throw the clay at others. It hurt when one of those lumps hit you – and they were soft clay! I cannot imagine what it would be like to have loads of stones thrown at you…

But because of the love God reached out with toward Stephen and the peace which that brought to him, he was willing and able to ask God to forgive them because they did not understand the truth. I know what it is like to have God’s protection and I know the strength it gives you to carry on doing His work. I just pray we would not have to face such a time as Stephen faced here; I pray the world will see what is right and turn to God instead of standing on its pride and rejecting Christ like many do!

Points to Ponder:
Have you asked God for protection?

Will you trust Him to protect you as you step forward in His name?