Saturday 9 May 2020

May 9: Psalms 23:1-6

Key Verse: Psalms 23:4
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

When was the last time you just stopped and accepted your current situation as being acceptable? I’m not talking about those moments when we stop and give in, being just a fleeting moment, but stopping and giving the best part of the day over to accepting what you have right now as being acceptable!

I have not written about this Psalm for quite a while now, but when I first started writing devotions I would turn to it often because of the great comfort I got out of it, no matter what was happening in my life. So, now most of us are in the same boat around the world as we step back from normal life, let us try to accept this as being normal and acceptable for this season. Let us stop the arguing and bickering, stop the boasting and greed and simply give this time back to God in prayer and worship.

I have stopped the constant moaning and groaning of the news people and put on a few hours of worship music. I intent to give as much of this day as I can to Christ and not to do my normal worrying or researching or working, after all it is a bank holiday here in the UK as I write this devotional.

Read through each verse or phrase and stop and think about what it means to you – not what the philosophers say, not what the bishops and priests say, but what God says to you in your heart as you read the verses. Already as I read through the Psalm while I am writing I feel encouraged and strengthened, not because I am weak, but because the words are so strong. Last year I walked through that dark valley with those closest to me sharing those dark times. All I had was a single light at the end of the tunnel, not that I could see it, but I knew it was there; but I still did fear because it was unknown… much like what many of us are going through now. Lift up God. Worship your Saviour and bask in His light and not be tempted to go out and socialise until it is safe xxx

Points to Ponder:
What are you going through right now?

Will you stop and take God’s hand and walk with Him?