Monday 27 Apr 2020

April 27: Hebrews 1:1-4

Key Verse: Hebrews 1:1
In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways

The apostle’s letter to the Hebrew people was quite different to the others we have read so far, primarily because of whom h was talking to. The Jews knew they were the chosen people and knew from their history all that God had done for them; some may have forgotten because they had not experienced it first hand, but as a whole, they knew who they were – God was their protector!

But what our apostle is saying here is a solid reminder to the people about their history. History was very important to them, and still is. Many Jewish families can trace their families back a long way – just because they have kept records or told stories generation after generation. The reminder here is the rich history they have and now, after Christ had risen, a new purpose to their existence. Not that they did not already have a purpose, but God had made sure the promises He made had come true in their generation!

Jesus Christ’s name had to be glorified and He had to be lifted up to His rightful place by God’s side – something many would have doubted would happen in their lifetime because they had such a long history of waiting. Let’s compare this to our lifestyle now. Who would have guessed we would be living through a global pandemic in our lifetime? It’s just not what was expected and yet, here we are. Leaders around the world seem to be in mild panic as they say things which we can reflect on as being totally ridiculous; all because we find ourselves in extraordinary times!

This striking beginning to this letter reminds us all of the position Jesus held and how Christ was glorified by God the Father so we would be in awe of His love for us all; the Hebrew people being in the very centre of this all in that generation! We can now look forward to seeing all the things God has promised come true! What a privileged time we live in!

Points to Ponder:
What fills your mind in our time now?

Will you read up a little more to allow Christ to be in the centre of your life?