Sunday 26 Apr 2020

April 26: Philemon 1:1-3

Key Verse: Philemon 1:1
Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, To Philemon our dear friend and fellow worker -

At this time Paul is a prisoner, not a prisoner locked up by Christ because He had already ascended into Heaven, but a prisoner of the Roman Empire being locked up because of his continued proclamation of the gospel despite being told not to! Paul did care for the laws of the land, but when those laws tell you to do something against God, you have to make a choice and Paul chose God! Paul did not have any reason to be ashamed of being locked up because it was for all the right reasons!

Timothy was not imprisoned and so is introduced here to reassure Philemon there is someone who will be able to support him despite Paul being locked up. It I thought that Philemon was a ma of great standing in the local community and indeed must have been fairly well off to be able to host church in his home. I doubt I would be able to get too many people in my home to if we were allowed to do that…

We live on o around a local estate here in North London where we reach out to people with the gospel an invite them to come as they are and be with Christ. We don’t have a church building but use our local community centre where we have to set up and take down everything which makes our services go every week – or at least that is how we were doing in until we all had to join the lock-down. We long for the day when we will be able to see everyone together, face to face, and know that Christ is with us!

I’m sure Paul was hoping to be able to meet together in a building where they could all worship God together – being stuck at home or in prison alone is not the most encouraging place to be! But, God is with us and continues to give us hope no matter what the physical circumstance. This is what Paul was trying to get across even though he was in prison for following God’s will in his life.

Points to Ponder:
What do you do for church nowadays?

Would you be willing to be locked up just because you obeyed God?