Sunday 19 Apr 2020

April 19: Ephesians 1:1-2

Key Verse: Ephesians 1:2
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sometimes all we need in life is a simple word from someone to say they are thinking of us to make things better. In this time of global self-isolation as we try to stop the spread of this virus around the world, we do need to hear good news and we do need to be encouraged by others. You may be coping in your own mind, but what is your partner going through? What are the things facing us all which we fear the most?

This introduction to the church at Ephesus is quite short and succinct, a simple word to say who he is, who the letter is meant for and the ever inclusive message of grace and peace he invariably included. The letter immediately jumps into more praise and worship for Christ, reminding us all this should be one of the first things we think of and do in our lives as well. Be the example, don’t just say it!

Paul was not just saying these things, because as we dig deeper into the letters we find out how many people he had influenced by trying to not just spread the Gospel but also to spread encouragement and hope to so many people. Paul taught people who were willing to listen and sent them out to other places just as he was willing and able to go out to other places too. He was under no illusion his life was safe because he knew there were so many forces against him; not just the evil one but also religious institutions and even governments.

The more power or popularity people display, the more the people who think they should be in power rebel and do stupid things to try and get the attention back on themselves rather than the new-found popular people! This is just part of human pride and greed – something Paul did not rise to and something he wanted to stamp out of society. Why not make a difference today by being humble and just getting on and doing things!

Points to Ponder:
How do you greet people?

Will you put a bit of hope and encouragement in your own greetings today?