Saturday 18 Apr 2020

April 18: Galatians 1:1-5

Key Verse: Galatians 1:1
Paul, an apostle - sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead -

I love the introduction to the letter to the church at Galatia. When we think of how missionaries are sent out, typically we think of it in terms of a sending church where they have a responsibility to report back to and a collection of supporting people and churches from which they get their funds. But this is not what Paul wanted the church to dwell on. He wanted them to remember just who was doing the sending – God!

Jesus was the one who persuaded Paul he had a task to do which would involve getting to reach out to all the churches around the Mediterranean Sea. It was Jesus who prompted him to reach out to the gentiles rather than to the Israelites or God’s chosen people. God was now reminding us all He includes every one of us in the call to become one church under Jesus Christ. God had chosen Paul to be the apostle who would make the difference all around!

God had put everything in place for Jesus to accomplish all which was previously written down by the prophets. God made sure the church was going to survive and that we would have no more reason to have to try and make atonements for the sin which we have done, do and will continue to do! Jesus gave Himself up for our sins even though He had not done anything wrong. He was wrongfully taken, wrongfully hung but died willingly just so God’s Word would be accomplished and we would be given a permanent and absolute saviour!

How many of us can turn round and say we are following a path which God has chosen for us? How many of us can say we are willing to give up everything in our lives just so God will get the glory and the gospel will get to more people? How many of us put our lives on hold so Jesus can get the rightful glory and uphold the position He fought as a human to be in just for our sakes. Look around you and see how you can help people immediately around you!

Points to Ponder:
Who really chose the life you lead?

Are you willing to give full control to Christ?