Friday 17 Apr 2020

April 17: 2 Corinthians 1:1-2

Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 1:1
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, To the church of God in Corinth, together with all his holy people throughout Achaia:

A very similar introduction to this letter as to the first letter to Corinth, but the writer now acknowledges himself as an apostle – I title I think he did not take lightly! What sort of recognition do you have as a Christian in your community? Do they have a good name for you, as opposed to any derogatory term! When people started calling me names because I was different, I started to realise just how much of an influence I had even without preaching to them!

When Jesus said we should go out into the world, I like to think of it as a ‘coming out’ rather than a ‘going out.’ From that moment onward we are a representative of Jesus Christ! We carry His name and His reputation with us. People are going to study us as Christians to see what we do… Does this make you kinda scared? Well, we don’t all live on the front line, so we don’t all get the exposure some Christian leaders do, but we still have a circle of people who look to us for clues as to how we should be living.

Paul had sent Timothy to the church at Corinth and through that he knew the people would be getting a good education and follow a good example. He chose Timothy because he knew he had a good reputation as a true follower of Christ. But it was not just a choice he made alone – God had chosen Timothy before Paul chose him. God is the one who makes the choices and it is us who should be following His instructions to make sure we live the life He wants us to!

Who knew there was so much we could get out of a single sentence! But there is more… God knew which people to choose to go and make a difference in the community there. He chose people who would work together and not fight each other for attention or notoriety! The last thing we should be doing is promoting ourselves! We need to simply continue promoting Christ and allow God to work out the rest. When we join in with the community and work as a team, God can do so much more!

Points to Ponder:
Do you try to do it all yourself?

Will you try to choose a team to work with you?