Thursday 9 Apr 2020

April 9: 1 John 3:17-18

Key Verse: 1 John 3:18
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

I know I have used these verses in a devotional recently – but how much more they mean in this time of lock-down in our communities; not just here in the UK, but all over the world where we are being faced by an enemy which is unseen, a virus. The more we can learn about this virus, the more we can protect ourselves from it, but also the more we feel confident enough to help other people.

I have tried not to shy away from helping others, but I know I have done so over the past few weeks – it is human nature and probably common sense too in my mind. But God tells us to look out for the people who are in need and to reach out and help them in ways we can. This does not mean we have to go round and visit people because we may well be taking the virus into their homes for all we know – but it does mean reaching out to them with words, prayers and any other ways we can help them!

God has taught us enough times how we need to love Him with all our hearts and minds – He has also taught us this love extends to all His creation, which means loving the people around you with all your heart and mind too! How does that look in real life nowadays. If you are still in work and have a bit of money to spare, how about buying something for someone online and getting it delivered directly to them. How about helping to pay a bill for someone who is in need.

It may surprise you to know that many of the people who do run places like foodbanks and food-halls are people who are in need themselves, people who have had it rough and now are giving to others who still have it rough. Don’t wait until you experience everything falling down around you before you realise you can step forward and help someone in need. Love them with your heart and mind and share your possessions with them!

Points to Ponder:
Who do you call out to when you need something?

Are you willing to answer someone else’s call for help?