Wednesday 8 Apr 2020

April 8: John 19:25-27

Key Verse: John 19:27
and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.

Have you ever thought about what you would like to say to people as a parting word before you or they die? Jesus’ compassion for others is shown here in a very special way when He steps in to fill the hole which is about to be left in these people’s lives! Christ knew what was going to happen and He knew the best and safest place for the people He loved to be in; they just had to listen.

It is not often God commands us to do things because He wants us to enjoy our lives as free people and not as slaves. He is not an overlord who is bashing His minions into submission, but a loving, but Holy, God who is encouraging us to do the right thing. There is no better time to listen to God than when we find ourselves in a pickle! We have probably got ourselves there because we have not been listening and we have gone against His wishes – not because He is punishing us for not listening, but because we have wandered off into a big hole all by ourselves!

Jesus wanted the people He loved to be together where they would be able to encourage each other and support each other – how can we do that if we are not together? We are finding new ways in which we can reach out to people in this global lock-down time. We are finding new expressions of church and new ways of showing our love to others. Let’s not pretend, it is hard work and I am finding it very difficult at times; but I know God is with me and I know He has something in store for me to do – why else would he have kept me alive last year?

As we go forward, try to keep pace with Jesus. Try to listen to His instructions because He is trying to lead us into a place of peace, comfort and love. Along the way we are going to have to face up to some pretty extreme times when we are going to question why we have to do this, why should we have to suffer, why, why… But know this. God is with you and walking with you every step of your life. When He says something, try to listen because it is for your benefit and for His glory.

Points to Ponder:
Do you like listening to others?

Will you stop and listen to God today?