Wednesday 25 Mar 2020

March 25: John 5:1-8

Key Verse: John 5:7
“Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.”

How many of you read these verses and thought about the mad scrambles in supermarkets all around the world where people don’t seem to care for those around themselves but do all they can to get what they want! It does seem very alien when I see scenes like this on the television, bringing to mind such things like Shaun of the dead! Please take a few seconds to think about your neighbour...

This particular man had been an invalid for thirty eight years and was, no doubt, used to people treating him badly. My heart goes out to the people who are in real need in our society who do not have the physical capacity to fight for what they want; but, honestly, my heart goes out more to the people who have changed their heart and now fight for things they do not need, but simply want!

So many people have bought more than they need from the shops, leaving little or nothing for those who actually need it most. People used to be able to go into the supermarkets and look around for the savings shelves where they could purchase something which was almost out of date at a price they could afford – but now they only see empty shelves!

God is the one who is watching over everything and He is the one who will come to you in your hour of need. All we have to do is ask Him for the help we need and He will answer in ways you did not think possible or likely. I love the way so many people are doing things for others in their communities now as they are all stuck indoors. I love the way people are beginning to think more of their neighbours. I love the way people are polluting less and God’s creation begins to shine once again.

Let us take this time to not just think about our neighbours, but to pray with and for them. Let us take this time to show God’s love to those around us. Let us take this time to allow people to meet with God in ways they did not previously see.

Points to Ponder:
Are you helping people in need?

Are you willing to put down your wants and lift up someone else's needs?