Tuesday 24 Mar 2020

March 24: Psalms 69:16-18

Key Verse: Psalms 69:18
Come near and rescue me; deliver me because of my foes.

What sort of things do you wait for before you call on God to save you? I know we all try to call on God all the time, but if truth be told we do stop asking when things are good and then suddenly fall on our knees when things are bad! How much worse could things get than a pandemic?

But it does not have to be a global crisis which has to happen in order for us to get God’s attention. We can call on His name at any time and in any state we are in. It is not our condition which will somehow enable Him to respond to us, it is His great mercy which allows Him to reach out to us! We don’t have to be in the correct state or position before we can call on God – His door is always open to anyone who is willing to call out to Him!

We don’t have to be poor and lonely, we don’t have to be at the end of our tether, we don’t have to be in a pit of despair… We can call out to God from the highest point in our lives, from the most joyous time we have and from the special places we get to go! But still, when we get into trouble, we call out to Him more earnestly and expect Him to answer us quicker than when we are in a good place!

You will be surprised just how close God is when you call out to Him too! Have you ever shouted out to your partner or friend thinking they are far away when they are actually sitting right next to or behind us? God is our silent partner, our forever friend, here with us during the rough and the smooth times. God is listening to us in our moments of joy and in our moments of grief. He is listening to us throughout everything – even when the rest of the world seem to be going mad!

Points to Ponder:
Do you call out to God often?

Will you make a point of calling out to Him and allowing Him to know how you feel?