Monday 17 Feb 2020

February 17: Psalm 119:113-120

Key Verse: Psalm 119:115
Away from me, you evildoers, that I may keep the commands of my God!

What takes your praise out of your breath? I know it is easy to forget to praise God, especially when things are going wrong in your life or even when things are going right! We tend to leave out the praising part because our minds are set on the things of the world around us rather than the things of God – like they should be!

None of us like people who constantly tell lies or who constantly spread gossip about others – yet we allow those things to consume our thoughts and take away our concentration of the very things we should be focusing on. We would rather get involved with what is going on around us than in lifting up what needs to be lifted up and praising those who deserve the praise!

When we start to feel overwhelmed by the things of the earth, we need to pray for strength to rise above those things so we can continue to focus on what God has in front of us. We need to focus on God’s law so we can allow others to see how important God is in our lives and not the world…

Remember that the things we feel are important in our lives will tend to get the most focus and attention from us. If we do not admit how important God is in our lives, we will tend to uphold the things of the world around us more than God! We need to remember just how much God has already done for us and to know He has promised so much more for us if we are willing to continue our communion with Him. When we focus on God and His ways, the ways and distraction of the world become just that – minor distractions we can move away from!

Points to Ponder:
What has the focus in your life?

Will you allow God to get more attention than your have given Him lately?