Sunday 16 Feb 2020

February 16: Job 31:16-23

Key Verse: Job 31:23
For I dreaded destruction from God, and for fear of his splendour I could not do such things.

This puts a whole new spin on the duty we have toward those who are less fortunate than us! Job was not under any illusion he was above anyone or deserved anything more than any other person under God’s eyes! Indeed he was fearful the God’s destruction should he have fallen short in any one of these ways toward the poor and needy… so how do we measure up to Job?

I think the most amazing thing which drilled it home for me was walking into town with a very dear friend of mine. After walking past a person sitting down, wrapped up in blankets and clearly worse off than us, he went directly to a good sandwich shop where he purchased a hearty sandwich and a drink. I was hungry so also bought something to eat… but what he did next floored me! He went back to the poor man on the streets and gave him his sandwich and drink, wishing him well and blessing him.

There I was, thinking on myself, my own needs above those of a person who clearly needed it more than me – but my first thought was not for this poor individual, but for myself. It still makes me stop and do things for people who need our help!

God knew Job was an upright man and He knew Job cared for the people and not just himself; yet Satan was willing to try and break Job’s resolve by taking every blessing he had away from him and making him the poor soul who needed the support now. Yet, despite all Job went through, he did not blame God for anything which happened. One of his friends had suggested this all happened because he had ignored the poor and needy – Job knew otherwise and continued to praise God and not to blame Him.

What happens to us when things go wrong – do we turn round and blame God, or do we look for the next way we can bless those around us instead?

Points to Ponder:
How often do you bless those who need your help?

How often do you ignore those who really need your help?