January 10: Philippians 2:5-11
Key Verse: Philippians 2:7
rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.
How many times have you figured out the best way you can help someone out? Do you ever think how you could best be of use to someone else? One of the best ways, but one you may not like doing, is to be their servant. By doing that, you will do whatever they wish you to do; in doing so, you would not expect anything in return; you would not do other things first because it is what you want; you would be looking after them before looking out for yourself.
Can you imagine what people would think of you if you turned round and said you would be their servant? Here in England you may well get a few mad looks, but in some parts of the world, this would be a perfectly acceptable thing to do.
What would you do if a man dressed up in a very expensive suit, with a posh sounding voice, and a very expensive car, came up to you and offered to be your servant for a year. What would you do if the Prime Minister or the President came up to you and offered to be your servant for a year? What would you do if a King or Queen came up to you and said they were willing to be your servant for as long as they were alive!
Well, our King of Kings, our Lord of Lords, has already done that for us. He came down to earth, made himself to be of no reputation by being born in a stable, dressed in rags, and then began to act like He was our servant (Vs. 7) just so we would be best served by Him. He did not just say He would be our servant, but actually did it! He came down to earth so we would be forever able to ask Him to do anything, forever able to ask Him for anything, and forever able to know He was going to answer each one of our requests.
Points to Ponder:
Have you ever had a servant?
Would you be willing to do anything for God that He asked of you?
Friday 10 Jan 2020
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