January 9: Philippians 2:5-11
Key Verse: Philippians 2:11
and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
We were all taught Jesus Christ was crucified. Most of us were also taught about how He suffered. Most of us were taught how He gave up His own life on that cross... But what did He go through up to that point in time?
Imagine standing on a corner in the city, watching people go by... If you saw a person in a very expensive suit, well-groomed and walking with purpose, you would probably come to the conclusion they were a respected businessperson. If you saw a person dressed in fashionable clothes with loads of shopping bags, calling for a taxi, then you would probably think they were out for a good days shopping. On the other hand, if you saw a person dressed in old, dirty clothes, sitting in an alley way, you would probably come to the conclusion they were homeless and living off the street.
Your immediate reaction to each of these is probably to decide the first two people had some sort of reputation, but the third had no reputation.
Jesus Christ is our King of Kings, He is our Saviour, He is our Lord... and yet He was willing to put all of those titles aside and to make sure He arrived on earth in a position of no reputation. He made sure He was born in a stable and He was wrapped in swaddling clothes; because that is what was promised by the prophets.
He could quite easily have been born into a royal family where He would have had all the comforts of life, but He made sure that He was born into a world where He had “no reputation” (Vs. 7) so we could ultimately see just how much He loved us.
Points to Ponder:
Do you wear designer clothes to fit in?
Jesus put aside societies ways to make sure He fitted in with the least of us!
Thursday 9 Jan 2020
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