Monday 10 Aug 2020

August 10: 1 Kings 19:11-18

Key Verse: 1 Kings 19:14
He replied, ‘I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.’

How many times have you wondered whether you are the only Christian in your community? How many times have you wondered why nobody else can see they are doing things wrong? How many times do you judge others! Yes, if we are honest, we have all been there and we all judge others at one stage or another. It is not up to us who gets to say who is doing things wrong and who is doing things right… we have law enforcement people and judges to do that in our societies...

But what happens when they seem to be corrupt and the law breaks down? What then! Well, if you haven’t turned to God for answers yet, then you are looking in the wrong place still. Elijah knew the people were doing things wrong and he had warned them against it, but He went to God to seek guidance and help. He did not take things into his own hands – despite knowing they were worshipping Baal and other gods.

God’s response to Elijah was probably not what he wanted to hear either. When we see the people around us doing things wrong we should be praying for God to release them from the places they are in – not in a judgmental way but in a way which shows God you love the people and want them to survive!

The message for Elijah was to put in place a new set of rulers who would judge harshly until the people turned back to God. Sometimes we don’t know where to turn because we are fearful of what will happen to the people because of the things they are doing. If we are willing to continue showing love to the people and God, just maybe God will show us a way which will allow people to live in His love.

Points to Ponder:
Where do you turn when things go wrong?

Do you rely on God’s guidance to show you a way forward in your community?