Tuesday 11 Aug 2020

August 11: Matthew 14:22-27

Key Verse: Matthew 14:23
After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone,

Jesus spent a lot of time with people, healing, teaching and caring for them. He continues to do this all the time. But, whilst He was here as a human being in the form of Jesus of Nazareth, He needed time to stop and just be with His Father. This is an example for us to follow and one we should hold dear to us. We cannot keep going 24 hours a day and 7 days a week without some sort of rest. God has taught us this from the beginning and continue to uphold this.

God wants us to spend time with Him alone. Not in a big crowd where our own thoughts and feeling somehow get tangled up in the rest of the crowd, but alone with Him. That time alone is special, just as we should spend time with our loved ones to stop and listen and talk, so we should be doing the same with God.

Jesus gave no thought to earthly limitations… well, He obviously did give thought to them because He was here in human form and limited by human limits. But He also knew that so much more was possible when He continued to rely on God for everything. This was a point where He was totally relying on God because He was walking out toward the boat on the water during a squall! The disciples did not think about How God could make things so different.

God is not limited to our world. He does not have to obey the rules of nature. He does not have to give in to the things of this world just because they seem to be unsurmountable! God can and does continue to watch over us and care for us in ways which we cannot understand. So maybe it is time to stop what you are doing. Speak to God. Listen to Him.

Points to Ponder:
How much time do you spend alone with loved ones?

How much time do you spend alone with God?