Friday 14 Aug 2020

August 14: Mark 10:13-16

Key Verse: Mark 10:14
When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.

I think if I were a young parent during this time I too would be trying to bring my children to Jesus to have Him bless them in some way. It’s what we do as parents; we want the best we can give to our children and that includes being a child of God!

The disciples, on the other hand, were still caught up in the ways of society at those times with children being told to be quiet and behave. I can still remember being told by some adults children should be seen and not heard. Thankfully my parents did not hold that fast for me unless I was misbehaving! Jesus wanted every person who was willing to be able to come to Him and be blessed when they could – this included saints and sinners, adults and children, everyone!

I think these verses also ring loud and clear to me because I have spent the last two decades doing Christian children and youth work and have always been open and honest about God with those who have come into contact with me. I find it very difficult to not show people I am a Christian because this is my life and I cannot hide it in a hole or behind a bush! Children should not have to grow up thinking they need to hide their Christianity!

Yes, there are many countries around the world where Christians are not generally accepted because of other religious beliefs held by fellow countrymen, but this should not stop people from getting to know Jesus. This is what Jesus is fighting for in these verses – to do away with the worldly views of what children should be like and to allow them to grow as Christians who rely on Jesus in everyday life.

Lets stop making this a thing which only happens in youth clubs but something which is embedded in our communities!

Points to Ponder:
Do you allow children to freely worship Jesus?

Are you showing children they can be free to worship Jesus?