Saturday 15 Aug 2020

August 15: Mark 10:23-31

Key Verse: Mark 10:28
Then Peter spoke up, ‘We have left everything to follow you!’

What have you done in the past in order to get something you really wanted? I’m talking about physical things here – you know, the stuff we shouldn’t be talking about! When I was looking for the car of my dreams many years ago I was fixated on getting a BMW 5 series because it was just perfect in my eyes. New, they were beyond my wildest dreams. Used they were still out of my reach being roughly double what I could afford! But I kept on looking at watching and waiting. One day I spotted a car on an online auction site which was being sold by a person who had not sold anything before.

Alarm bells rung all over the place! But after a few days of digging and research I tracked the number given down to a car servicing centre in London. One other person had bid on the car so I left it until 2 minutes before the end of the auction and adding a few pennies to the end of the price I got the car for roughly half what I should have paid for it.

When we really want something, we go out of our way to find ways of obtaining it. So why then do we ignore our spiritual wants and needs? Why do we ignore what is going to happen to us when we do finally die on this earth?

Jesus wants us to aim for the very best we can achieve. Jesus wants us to put everything we have into seeking that goal. Jesus wants us to desire to be with Him in heaven more than anything else in our lives. If we are willing to do that, He is willing to give us more than we ‘lose’ here in earth! Why settle for second best when we can have more than we deserve and want!

Points to Ponder:
How much do you want to be with Jesus?

How much have you put aside to be with Jesus?