Sunday 16 Aug 2020

August 16: Mark 12:18-23

Key Verse: Mark 12:23
At the resurrection whose wife will she be, since the seven were married to her?

How many times do you question what God does? How many times do you think about things which are happening in this world and blame God? How often do you try to impose wordly limits on God?

Most of us do limit things according to earthly limits and standards – because we don’t know any better and we need to impose some sort of order on things we don’t quite understand! God is not limited by wordly standard and His rules for us in Heaven are not going to be the same rules as we have here on earth…

We do get caught up in trying to explain things in terms of what we currently understand instead of accepting God and Christ are not limited by our understanding. When we pray for things, it is normally within limits we can understand… why do we continue to insist on limiting God? Well, because we don’t know any better!

God wants us to release ourselves from these limits and focus on God and what He has promised for us and allow Him to work the miracles He does. They are called miracles because we don’t understand how they can be done. Why then do we limit those miracles by our standards? Is it because we are afraid of what God can do? Is it because we want to be able to explain things?

These Sadducees started to try and question Jesus in order to trip Him up on theology; after all, they did think they knew more than Him because they had studied longer than Jesus had – or at least they thought they had! They tried to apply earthly laws, limits and rules on a situation which would ultimately be played out in Heaven! God is the one in control of what happens in heaven and not us. We just need to trust in His promises and allow Him to show us the way there!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like to be in control of things?

Do you try to control what God can do in your life?