Thursday 17 Sep 2020

September 17: Genesis 30:16-24
Key Verse: Genesis 30:22
Then God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and enabled her to conceive.
How many times have you ‘given God a helping hand’ so your prayers could be answered quicker? How many times have you picked up your own baggage so you can move forward quicker? And how many of those times have you seen only small gains instead of the expected answer to prayer?
Too often we think we can help God to answer our prayers and we step forward before He has a chance to answer them. We take on the task in hand and we go ahead thinking we are doing what God expects us to do... did you really hear from God before you stepped forward, or did you step forward first?
This is a difficult thing in many of our lives because God wants us to have the faith to step forward and do things knowing He is going to back up all the way so His will can be done. But when we overstep our bounds and take on something by ourselves, we may well find out we only get part of the way there before we start to see things fall apart. I know I have difficulty listening to God sometimes and it is something I do ask help for, a lot!
We need to make sure we are doing what God is asking of us and not bending the rules to see if God will answer a bit quicker. Sometimes it does take patience to wait until God clears the path properly so we can give Him the glory He deserves. I have found the bible to be a constant source of patience for my faith; carry on reading until God makes it clear what you must do in your life. If that is to wait a season, then wait!
Points to Ponder:
Do you like doing things for God?
Are you sure you are not doing things for yourself first of all?