Friday 18 Sep 2020

September 18: Romans 11:33-36
Key Verse: Romans 11:35
Who has ever given to God, that God should repay them?
One of the things we must never get caught up in is thinking we have to do things for God before He is going to do things for us! Jesus came freely to give His life for us before we knew Him. He came to show us His love goes far beyond our comprehension and far beyond what we would expect as anything normal!
God’s mercy goes beyond our failings. God’s faithfulness knows no end. God’s love covers every sin. All we need to do is to accept His love, His grace, His mercy and know His faithfulness is going to continue despite our failings and despite our laziness. We don’t know what He has in store for us until we stop and listen to His instructions. We cannot hope to tell God how things should be done because we do not know all circumstances like God does!
If you are like me and honest about how you know and treat God, He will show you where, when and how He wants you to be. Jesus picked disciples from all walks in life, not because they were available at the time, but because He knew who the best people were to do the jobs in hand. God knows what our strengths and weaknesses are and will continue to give us opportunity to do what we can for His glory.
God is not going to ask you to do anything you are not capable of doing – even if your doubts tell you otherwise. Believe in the almighty power and strength of our glorious God who can do so much more than we know. Trust He has the insight to do so much more. Listen to His instructions and obey...
Points to Ponder:
Do you try to show God how to do things?
Will you give Him more control in your life?