Saturday 19 Sep 2020

September 19: Luke 9:57-62
Key Verse: Luke 9:59
He said to another man, ‘Follow me.’ But he replied, ‘Lord, first let me go and bury my father.’
This has been a hard passage to read for me since I said goodbye to my birth mother some years back, but one I did not take much notice of as a youngster. When Jesus asks you to do something or to follow Him, what would you be willing to give up so you can follow His will?
Yes, this is an unfair question, but one designed to stop and make you think. I certainly do not wish to be in the position where I should have to choose between loving my family and loving God. I do not think Jesus would tempt you to make such a difficult choice in life; but if push came to shove, would you be willing to make a choice to follow Christ, or would you back down.
I’m pretty sure Jesus knew this person’s heart before He asked the question and knew they would not follow Him all the time, despite saying so. Jesus has told us He will never ask us to do things He knows we cannot do; this sort of question would be in that category for me!
When we choose to follow Christ, we should be willing to give up the luxuries we have in our life and follow Him no matter the cost. I know I have made difficult choices in my past which have led to what could only be a dead-end; but I have seen God give me options where I saw no options just because I was willing to try and obey Him rather than follow my desires.
Points to Ponder:
When you say you will support someone, how far do you go?
Will you support God all the way?