Monday 21 Sep 2020

September 21: Romans 13:1-7
Key Verse: Romans 13:6
This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.
None of us like paying taxes, but they are necessary to keep governments running and countries stable. It is not my task to make sure the taxes are spent properly and in the right places, though I should have a say because governments represent the people of their countries; but this does not always go according to plan. So many people are corrupted by the sense of power or the greed of wanting more than they should attain...
God wants us all to adhere to the law of the land so we can all live in peace and under the protection of people who are able to protect us – they in turn need money to do the training required and to prepare for the worst. What we face is a huge fight against evil, against an enemy who wants chaos to reign so he can persuade us away from God and order!
If any country goes too far, God will raise up people who are able to make a difference which will be seen round the world and eventually there will either be enough pressure for the people in power to succumb to, or the world will rebel and set things right – though this does not always go to plan because of greed and perceived fame which cripples people trying to stand for the truth.
It’s always the right time to stop and listen to God for the right way to do things. It is always right to do what is righteous. It is always right to follow God’s instructions, even when we do not fully understand why. If we waited to have exacting proof of every future step we take, we would be crippled and move along at such a snail pace the world would leave us behind. Use your time and knowledge God has given you to the best of your ability and be faithful to your loving God!
Points to Ponder:
Do you like paying taxes and tithes?
Where would your leaders be without money to survive?