Tuesday 22 Sep 2020

September 22: Romans 13:8-10
Key Verse: Romans 13:10
Love does no harm to a neighbour. Therefore love is the fulfilment of the law.
When Jesus impressed on the disciples how important love is in everyday life and in communities, they listened, and they acted upon it! These are very strange times we are going through where we don’t know whether we should be visiting people or not because of the rate of increase of the Covid-19 virus. But, one thing I have learned from my parents is making sure you are safe and clean in a medical environment is paramount. I look back on my days as a child and now see just why my dad was so insistent on having clean hands (well, everything) in his pharmacy!
I marvel at the way dad was able to reach out to so many people who were ill and continue to supply medicine as best he could. This was not just a job for him but a lifestyle and life choice he made.
I like to think I have picked up on some of his ways as I reach out to the people on the estates around me; God wants us to continue being here for communities and for people in need... but at the same time, He wants us to be safe and well – otherwise we will not be able to do our work for Him!
Love comes in many forms; one of the biggest is loving other people with the utmost respect. Loving them enough to make sure they are protected from the world around them and from sickness. It is only when you hear of someone not being well in your community that your focus is on the sickness which surrounds us all the time.
So today I would like us all to take a bit of time to pray for those amongst us who are not well or face hardships because of sickness, past or present.
Points to Ponder:
Do you keep yourself fit and well?
Will you be more careful as you reach out to your community?