Saturday 26 Sep 2020

September 26: Luke 9:10-17
Key Verse: Luke 9:11
but the crowds learned about it and followed him. He welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed healing.
One of the things the disciples had to learn from Jesus was there is no end to His love and mercy and compassion for everyone! No matter what position they found themselves in, no matter how tired they felt and no matter how little they had with them, Christ was always willing to tell others about God and to heal them...
When they were seemingly cornered in a small town called Bethsaida, Jesus had no problem with teaching and caring for anyone who was willing to come to Him. When it all got a bit too much for the disciples, they wanted to send everyone home so they could get a bite to eat and have a rest. It does not mention what the weather was like, but, being in the Middle East, it was probably hot and sunny as normal!
When the disciples gave in Jesus told them to feed the crowd; they knew they did not have enough food – how could five loaves and two fish feed thousands of people! Jesus told them to organise them into smaller groups... Have you ever wondered why? Ok, the logistics made it easier to reach everyone if there was a bit of order, but I think this was more a time when Jesus wanted them to be distracted so they would trust Him.
Sometimes Jesus is going to ask us to do the extraordinary so we give in and trust Him fully instead of trying to get things done as best we can. When we give in to Christ and allow Him to work through us, we can do so much more than we realise. Trust goes a long way! It’s called having more faith!
Points to Ponder:
Do you always try to do as much as you can for God?
Will you allow Him to do more than you can do?