Sunday 27 Sep 2020

September 27: Luke 20:1-8
Key Verse: Luke 20:7
So they answered, “We don’t know where it was from.”
It’s OK to not know all the answers! I found that out when I went on a youth camp, not as a youth but as a leader. A couple of youth came and asked me an awkward question for which I didn’t know the answer, so we went to speak to an elder who was mor likely to know the answer. What I got out of that was respect, both from the youth who got to learn more, and from the elder who praised me for not making something up!
Too many times in our lives we come up against people who would rather make something up which sounds good rather than admitting they do not know the answer. We are damaging our communities and ourselves by making up answers! God does not want us making things up because we are no longer telling people the truth and they may not believe us when we do eventually tell the truth!
God has always made sure we do hear the truth from Him. He continues to uphold the truth against everything and wants us to try to always keep to the truth as well. Sometimes we are put in a very difficult position where we know the truth will hurt others; but it is still best to tell the truth so others know you can be depended on in all circumstances.
Jesus made sure He could always be defended on for the truth as well as the love and healing. If we really do want to show people we love them, then sticking to the truth is always the best plan!
Points to Ponder:
Do you listen to people when you know they are not telling the truth?
How often do people stop listening to you?