Friday 2 Oct 2020

October 2: Deuteronomy 11:13-15
Key Verse: Deuteronomy 11:15
I will provide grass in the fields for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied.
Back in the time of the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and the subsequent trial through the desert regions, God continued to uphold the promise He would look after the people if they remained faithful to Him. This is just another point where we read about God’s promise to the Israelites; one of many! Jesus continued to uphold the idea we should continue to live with a close relationship with God so He can continue to look after us... So how does this work?
Does this mean if we follow all the rules, we will be safe from all the bad stuff around us in the world? Unfortunately not. We live in a world where many people do not listen to God and many people rebel against God’s word and His ways. We could be close to those people and anything which goes wrong (or right) we are affected. So, even when we do follow all the rules, we can still end up in deep trouble as we are suffocated by the ills of the world!
So how do we get out of this problem? Well, one way is to try and listen to what God is telling us. He continually tries to guide us away from the trouble spots if He knows we cannot cope with it – but He may well allow us to be close to trouble just so others can see the impact of our close relationship with God. There-in lies the clue... We need to uphold an honest, open, and true relationship with God at all times; one which others should be able to notice and be encouraged by.
I have been called many things in my life, but I love it when people call me names because of my relationship with Christ! I love being selected out of a crowd and pointed to by non-believers – not because I want to be berated, but because it allows others to see there is another way of living. A way of living where we live with hope constantly. A way of living where we know of a certain future!
Points to Ponder:
Do you live with God in your life?
Do you invite others to share your relationship with Christ?