Saturday 3 Oct 2020

October 3: Matthew 11:25-30
Key Verse: Matthew 11:29
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
When Jesus talked to others, He always made sure people knew what the truth was and what details people needed to know. Just after berating various town because they refused to repent for the wrongdoing which continued throughout the towns, He switches to His relationship with God His Father. Yes, we know Jesus is God, but when He was amongst mankind as a human, He was exactly that, a human being like us.
But that is where things get very different. Jesus made sure He prayed all the time and stopped to listen to what His Father wanted of Him. Because of this, you could say His life was fairly sorted! He did not have to worry about getting and maintaining a job. He did not have to worry about financial positions or stock markets... All this was left to God and He wanted people to know that!
We could say His burden was extreme because of what He had to face, but at this time He was simply spreading the gospel and stopping the ‘learned leaders’ from continuing to corrupt people with their own ideas and not what God wanted them to know about.
As Christians we need to step forward and make sure people get to know the truth. This may mean posting stuff on social media for people to think about. It could mean standing on street corners (though there will be far less people than normal now.) Or it could just be talking to your neighbour over the fence to show them you lead a very different life to the rest of the world. But make sure they know how much peace we get from living with God in our hearts!
Points to Ponder:
Do your neighbours know you as a Christian?
When was the last time you offered to help your neighbours?