Sunday 4 Oct 2020

October 4: Jude 1:17-23
Key Verse: Jude 1:22
Be merciful to those who doubt;
Do you find reading the bible hard? Is it because you find reading difficult, or because you find the words hard to digest? I have always found reading difficult and as such do shy away from reading when I can, but in order to share God’s Word with you, I have to spend time reading and thinking about the words I read!
Some chapters in the bible are hard to read because they remind us of all the wrong things in life and often, we find ourselves relating the words to what is happening in the world around us. This is because God is trying to speak to you through His Word. I do find it very refreshing how different people get different strengths from reading the same passage; sometimes I just want to copy the words down and see what others make of it. But this is a journey you and I are on and one which ultimately leads to eternal life with Christ.
We can read through all the terrible things which happen in the bible – but we can also listen to the news broadcasts and find out all the terrible things which are happening in the world around us. This is because we live in a world which is largely broken, just as they did back when the words, we now know in our bibles were written, and even before that!
But this chapter end with the encouraging words that this is all happening, but we still have a Saviour! We have a Christ who gave it all for us on the altar and who continues to love us no matter what happens in the world around us. We need to continue encouraging the people around us to look up to God and see how much hope they have – by demonstrating the hope we have! Be merciful to those who doubt. Keep on encouraging them through your actions.
Points to Ponder:
Are you quick to judge others?
Will you be merciful to those around you when things go wrong again?